本文关键词: 唯品会 顾客满意度 层次分析法 顾客特征 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the context of the rapid development of online shopping, the inventory crisis of brand physical stores and the low price demand of consumer boutique, the time-limited special sale model originated in France was introduced into China. The brand limited time special sale website, headed by VIPSHOP, began to rise. With the participation of all the major e-commerce companies, the competition in the special sale market is becoming more and more fierce. In the buyer's market today. The most fundamental competition among enterprises is the competition for customers, which can effectively grasp and meet the needs of customers, maintain old customers, explore new customers, and enterprises can occupy an advantage in the fierce competition. To ensure sustainable development. And the study of customer satisfaction can test the advantages and disadvantages of enterprise operation. This paper selects VIPSHOP, the representative enterprise of limited time sale website, as the research object, based on the theory of customer satisfaction and the characteristics of the enterprise itself. Referring to the satisfaction model constructed by predecessors, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of VIPSHOP's customer satisfaction, which includes five first-level indicators, such as website design and marketing planning, and website security. Using 17 secondary indicators such as convenience and personalized service, the expert scoring method was used to empower the indicators. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested in the pre-survey stage. The validity of the index system is verified by factor analysis, and VIPSHOP's customer satisfaction is empirically studied by means of questionnaire survey. Through the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the overall satisfaction of each index and website, it is concluded that VIPSHOP's overall satisfaction score is 3.6208, according to the principle of maximum membership. With the help of SPSS21.0 and Excel, the paper makes descriptive statistics on the data, and analyzes the factors that affect customer satisfaction by using the quadrilateral graph model and combining with the customer characteristics. Finally, combining with the characteristics of VIPSHOP enterprise operation mode, the paper puts forward relative improvement suggestions. This paper mainly focuses on VIPSHOP enterprise itself, and carries on the detailed analysis, although the universality is relatively weak. But it still has some reference significance for similar websites, so as to help enterprises maintain their advantages, improve their shortcomings, and realize the win-win situation of customer satisfaction and enterprise benefit.
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