本文选题:网购环境 + 顾客价值 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the online shopping model has shown a rapid development trend, it has changed the way customers buy goods and services, more and more customers use online stores instead of physical stores to purchase activities. As of December 2015, the number of online shopping users in China has reached 413 million, with a growth rate of 14.3B, according to the 2015 Research report on China's online Shopping Market released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). At the same time, the number of mobile phone online shopping users in China has reached 340 million, with a year-on-year growth rate of 43.9.2015. China's online shopping market will continue to develop rapidly in 2015. This indicates that the competition among e-commerce businesses will become increasingly fierce. The main task of ecommerce also shifts from attracting new customers and increasing customer growth to motivating customers to repurchase. Repeat buying brings about five times as much profit to e-commerce as new customers, but more than 50% of customers rarely make a third purchase. Therefore, it is an important marketing strategy for e-commerce to understand the influencing factors of online shopping customers' repurchase intention and to use these factors to influence customers' shopping perception and improve customer's repurchase intention. Based on the above realistic background, this paper focuses on the effect of customer value on repeated purchase intention, and analyzes the different mechanism of customer value on repeated purchase intention under the intermediary function of adaptive expectation and the adjustment of habit. In order to provide theoretical reference for merchants to formulate marketing strategies based on customer perspective. By combing the relevant literature, this study puts forward 17 hypotheses. Using the method of large sample questionnaire to obtain the data, using SPSS21.0 to analyze the data collected from 311 valid samples, and then completing the empirical test of the relational model. The test results show that three dimensions of customer value (confidence benefit). Perceived fairness and perceived price) have a significant positive impact on adaptive expectations and customers' repeated purchase intentions, while perceived sacrifice has a significant negative impact on adaptive expectations and customers' repeated purchase intentions. Perceived fairness and perceived price play a part of intermediary role in the relationship between customer's repeated purchase intention and perceived sacrifice of customer's repeated purchase intention, while the relationship intermediary function of perceived sacrifice to customer's repeated purchase intention is not significant. In the relationship between perceived sacrifice and perceived price on repeated purchase intention, the low level online purchase habit is stronger than the high level online purchase habit, while in the relationship between perceived fairness and repeated purchase intention, the relationship between perceived equity and repeated purchase intention is higher than that of high level online purchase habit. The hypothesis that high-level online shopping habits have more influence than low-level online shopping habits has not been tested. At the end of this paper, the conclusion of the research is summarized, and the marketing suggestions are put forward. At the same time, the limitations of the research and the direction of future research are pointed out in order to lay a theoretical and practical foundation for the development of online shopping.
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