[Abstract]:Since the 1960s, the status of service industry in the economic development of a country has been increasing, and the level of development of the service industry has been the basic symbol of a country's economic and social development level, especially the producer service industry. Has become the propeller of economic development. According to the previous studies of scholars, producer services have the characteristics of agglomeration and development, and the concentration of producer services in China is mostly in economically developed areas. Therefore, this paper chooses the main cities in the three economic circles with economic strategic position as the research object, hoping to study the present situation and influence factors of producer services agglomeration. We will better guide the development of producer services agglomeration in the three economic circles and give full play to the economic engine of producer services. The research of this paper finds that although the service industry of the three economic circles develops rapidly, it does not pay enough attention to the development of producer service industry, and the proportion of producer service industry in service industry is not high; In addition, the development of producer services agglomeration is very uneven in various cities, to a certain extent, it shows that the development of producer services between the three economic circles has not formed a "tacit understanding", so it is difficult to produce synergistic economic effects; Among the factors proposed in this paper, the level of economic opening to the outside world, the level of informatization and the scale of cities are the common and significant factors affecting the agglomeration of producer services and their sub-sectors. The level of human capital and the scale of cities have different effects on different producer service industries. The results of the above studies can be used as the theoretical basis for putting forward corresponding policy recommendations. The policy recommendations are mainly put forward around the opening up of the economy of the major cities in the three major economic circles, government intervention, and the level of informatization. The scale of the city and human capital, and so on.
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