本文关键词:长沙市环卫工劳动保护问题研究 出处:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 劳动保护 劳动合同 社会保险 劳动条件 职业安全
[Abstract]:Sanitation workers are not only the important labor force to create the city hygiene environment and civilized image, promote the harmonious development of society, but also the weak group in the social labor group. In a new way, sanitation workers should have contributed to the fruits of urban reform, but the working life of this group was both material and spiritual. There is still no comprehensive and effective protection. At present, the life safety, personal health, labor rights and interests of the sanitation workers are frequently violated. In this paper, Changsha City sanitation workers as the research object, based on the theory of labor protection perspective, the use of questionnaire survey and interview method combined. By investigating and dissecting the basic protection of labor contract, the core protection of social insurance, the specific protection of labor conditions and the follow-up protection of occupational safety education. Thus the degree of damage to labor protection is concluded and summarized: it is found that the labor contract signing rate is low, the content is simple and the form is not standard; The social insurance coverage is not complete and the transfer connection is poor; The right to rest and rest is seriously damaged and the welfare allowance is lacking; The security measures are few, the right to health is infringed and the corresponding vocational education and training are lacking, then the corresponding reasons are analyzed. And then through the combination of reality and domestic and foreign labor protection research theory, draw lessons from the successful experience of domestic and foreign labor protection problems, put forward specific suggestions and countermeasures to improve the labor protection of sanitation workers in Changsha City. That is, to clarify the responsibilities of the three parties and improve the signing rate of labor contracts; Increase the tripartite investment in social insurance work, and focus on improving the participation rate of social insurance; Strictly supervise and standardize the working conditions and solve the outstanding problems at present; Strengthen occupational safety and education and training, improve the professional literacy of sanitation workers, so as to improve the quality of sanitation workers and the labor protection given to them by society. It causes the society to pay attention to the labor protection of the sanitation workers, and to respect, support and understand the sanitation cause, so as to make the labor rights and interests of the sanitation workers receive due labor security.
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