本文关键词: 保险 负二项分布 Probit函数 零膨胀模型 Hurdle模型 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the practical study of the natural and social science counting data, there is a special kind of counting data: the number of observed events contains a large number of zero values, which is called zero expansion phenomenon. Because the proportion of zero events is too high, which is beyond the prediction ability of the traditional model, if the traditional claim number model such as Poisson model is applied again. The negative binomial model will cause the parameter estimation of the model to deviate too much from the real value, and the loss times can not be accurately predicted. In this case. Johnson and Kotz (1969) proposed a zero expansion model. Mullay 1986). On this basis, another model to solve the problem of zero expansion, Hurdle model, is proposed. These two models provide a good idea for the study of zero expansion. The negative binomial distribution is good for non-homogeneous risk. Good description. It is widely used in risk management. Probit function is also widely used in various fields because of its normality. In this paper, based on negative binomial distribution, probit function is used as join function. The PNB-Hurdle model and the ZINB model are studied, and the modified PC-ZINB model with zero structure is established. It is found that when they fit the zero expansion data, the effect is better than the traditional counting data model. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the growth of insurance industry in China is accelerating. Especially in the non-life insurance industry, automobile insurance has become the largest share of the occupants of insurance, the development of automobile insurance, related to the survival of insurance companies. In this context, combining with the actual claim data of automobile insurance, we use Poisson model, negative binomial model and PNB-Hurdle model respectively. ZINB model and PC-ZINB model are used to estimate the parameters of the data and predict the number of claims. The results show that: because of the heterogeneity of the data. The traditional negative binomial model can solve the problem of non-homogeneity, but because of the existence of zero expansion, the simulation effect is not very good. Although the generalized negative binomial model can explain the influence factors, the zero expansion problem also makes its fitting effect worse. PNB-Hurdle model can solve the zero expansion problem, but for the data of this group. Compared with the zero expansion model, the zero expansion model shows a good simulation effect in the process of empirical analysis, especially the PC-ZINB model. Its correction to 00:00 is almost perfect, which solves the problem of zero expansion well. Therefore, for zero expansion data, the source of zero event is relatively single. It can be described by a relatively simple PNB-Hurdle model. If the structure zero source is relatively single, the ZINB model can have good simulation effect. The PC-ZINB model is more suitable for the prediction of the model if the structure zero source is more complex and contains different influencing factors. Moreover, for the zero expansion model, the PC-ZINB model is more suitable for the prediction of the model. It is feasible to divide structural zero into objective structure zero and subjective structure zero, especially for automobile insurance.
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