本文选题:碳排放 切入点:全要素能源效率 出处:《南华大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Hunan is in a critical period of development of industrialization and urbanization, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions growing demand, resulting in severe environmental pressures, facing the double pressure of energy demand and environmental pollution in the sustainable economic development, improve energy efficiency, promote low-carbon development is the key to solve the problem. So in the current Hunan Province "two type society" construction and energy saving and emission reduction under the background, the research has important practical significance to consider the energy efficiency of carbon emission constraints. The non expected output energy (CO2) into the total energy efficiency measure model, studied 2005-2012 years in Hunan province the total factor energy efficiency, and influence the energy efficiency of the empirical analysis of the factors, and put forward the corresponding policy suggestions for Hunan province to improve energy efficiency. The results show that the sample period in Hunan province to total body In the level of energy efficiency is relatively low, only 0.660, Hunan province shows the extensive mode of economic development still exists, the space of energy saving and emission reduction energy efficiency greatly, but during the sample period, the province's energy efficiency increased gradually. The total factor energy efficiency differences among regions, including Zhangjiajie city's energy efficiency was the highest, reached 0.926, followed by Changde City, Changsha city were ranked second and third, and Loudi's energy efficiency is the lowest, only 0.350. from the big economic regions of the province of Changzhutan regional total factor energy efficiency has been greatly improved after 2008, due largely to the area in 2008 was approved as "type two" society pilot area, has taken a series of measures to promote energy conservation, improve energy efficiency. At the same time, energy saving and emission reduction potential of each area were analyzed in Loudi City, Xiangtan City, Yueyang City, Chenzhou The city and Zhuzhou city of Hunan province is the "energy major" is the focus of remediation areas, energy saving of Loudi City, the largest city of Xiangtan and the city of Chenzhou and the emission reduction potential, more than 80%, CO2 emission reduction has a huge room for improvement. From the regional distribution point of view, in the area of energy efficiency is relatively low, energy saving the reduction potential and total energy saving accounts for 42% of the province, the total emissions of CO2 accounts for 55% of the province, southern area of Hunan province has become the focus of energy saving and emission reduction. Influence factors of total factor energy efficiency analysis model showed that the industrial structure, opening and technological progress on energy efficiency in Hunan has a significant negative impact, and economic the scale, the degree of information technology and the level of urbanization has a positive impact on Hunan's energy efficiency in some significant levels. Finally, combining the results of empirical research, combined with the construction of Hunan province "two type society" background Energy efficiency promotion strategy.
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