本文选题:房地产企业 + BIM ; 参考:《重庆大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:BIM technology has been in our country for more than ten years, and its development has also changed from the initial stage of concept popularization and the stage of small scale pilot to the stage of industry standard and system construction. The Ministry of Housing and Construction clearly pointed out in the outline of Informatization Development of Construction Industry 2011-2015 that accelerating the application of BIM technology in engineering construction and promoting the construction of information standard are the main contents of the overall goal of industry development. According to the actual situation, the design institute, the construction unit, the consultation unit and so on use the BIM technology more, in the domestic many large-scale projects construction process also can see the BIM to play the important role among them. However, in real estate enterprises, there are few cases of BIM application. Apart from industry rules and regulations and other reasons such as the maturity of BIM technology, the attitude of real estate employees to adopt BIM technology is also worthy of attention. The relevant theories of information technology adoption provide a perspective for the study of information technology adoption from the perspective of organization and individual, so this paper tries to draw lessons from the relevant theories of information technology adoption. This paper studies the factors that affect the adoption of BIM technology in real estate enterprises. Firstly, this paper reviews the present situation of information technology adoption theory through literature review, and classifies the information technology adoption theory from the organization and individual dimensions. Secondly, according to the characteristics of BIM technology and real estate sector, this paper combines the unified theory of technology acceptance and application at the individual adoption level with the task technology matching model at the organizational adoption level. The relevant assumptions are proposed and the model adopted in this paper is established. Based on the data analysis of 328 valid questionnaires collected, the hypothesis was tested by structural equation. The conclusions are as follows: 1) the working characteristics of real estate enterprises have a positive impact on the task-technology matching degree and BIM technical characteristics, and the performance expectations have a positive impact on the use intention. And gender and age factors have great influence on individuals. (4) it is expected that gender and age factors have a great influence on individuals' use intention, and gender and age factors have great influence on individuals' use intention, and gender and age factors have a great influence on individuals' use intention. And gender factors have a great influence on individuals. Use behavior 10) use intention positively affects use behavior. Finally, the paper puts forward five suggestions for the adoption of BIM in real estate enterprises, analyzes the full text, and expounds the research limitations and research prospects of this paper.
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