本文选题:黑龙江省 + 城镇化质量 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As the economic, political and cultural center of human beings, city is the symbol of human civilization. Urbanization is the result of the development of social productive forces and the inevitable trend of economic and social development. In recent years, the process of urbanization in China has been obviously accelerated, and the speed of urbanization in Heilongjiang Province has also undergone five stages. At present, it is in a relatively stable stage of development, and the rate of population urbanization is relatively high. However, in the process of rapid development of urbanization, there is also a tendency to pay more attention to quantity and less quality, which may also cause pressure to the ecological environment. The quality of urbanization includes population urbanization, social urbanization, economic urbanization and spatial urbanization. Urbanization changes the ecological environment and whether there can be a healthy and harmonious development of the two will have an important impact on the appearance of the city and the life of the citizens, especially the impact of the ecological environment. Ecological environment, in turn, will hinder or promote the development of urbanization, the two complement each other and promote each other. Heilongjiang Province is one of the big agricultural provinces in our country, and there are many resource-based cities. The quality of urbanization, the coordination degree of urbanization and ecological environment need to be deeply discussed. In this paper, 18 indexes are selected according to the principle of index selection, the evaluation index system is set up, and each index is empowered by entropy method. Liaoning, one of the representative old industrial bases in Northeast China, is selected as the developed coastal province of Zhejiang. The central province of Hubei and the central and western provinces of Qinghai and Heilongjiang Province of this paper are compared and analyzed, and on this basis, the comprehensive index of urbanization quality of five provinces in 2011 is calculated. The results show that the urbanization quality of Heilongjiang Province is far from that of the other four provinces, which is in the fourth place and is on the low side of urbanization quality. Among them, the development of economic urbanization, social urbanization, space urbanization and population urbanization are all in a disadvantaged position, which hinders the overall development of urbanization. The results show that Heilongjiang Province is still a fast developing province with low urbanization quality compared with other representative provinces. On the basis of the previous research, the comprehensive evaluation index of urbanization quality and the comprehensive evaluation index of ecological environment quality in Heilongjiang Province from 1997 to 2011 were calculated by entropy method. The results showed that the quality of urbanization in Heilongjiang Province was on the whole rising at this stage, but the quality of ecological environment fluctuated greatly. By using the model of coordination development degree, the index of coordination development degree of both is obtained, which shows that the degree of coordination development of both two is gradually showing a trend of improvement.
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