[Abstract]:In recent years, with the acceleration of the pace of social and economic development in China, the pace of urbanization is also accelerating. Due to the large number of rural areas and rural population, in the process of urbanization, our investment in infrastructure construction is seriously inadequate, the investment channel is too single, it is difficult to bear the huge pressure of infrastructure investment in the process of urbanization. On the other hand, with the rapid development of the market economy, the number of private enterprises in China has increased and their capacity has been continuously enhanced, and they already have the material and technical basis to participate in the construction of infrastructure. Many of the infrastructure projects in the process of urbanization belong to quasi-operational projects, and these projects have the characteristics of public welfare and profitability. Mobilizing social resources to actively invest in the construction of urbanization infrastructure in China, it is urgent to change the single financing mode of relying on financial investment to solve the difficulties faced by the financing of infrastructure construction in China. This paper clarifies the current situation of infrastructure financing in China, taking the financing mode of infrastructure financing in the United States and Japan as the inspiration, and using the advanced financing experience of foreign countries to provide reference for the financing mode of infrastructure construction in the process of urbanization in China. Through comparative analysis, this paper puts forward that on the basis of perfecting the financing mode of infrastructure construction in the process of urbanization in China, we should perfect the financing laws and policies of infrastructure construction, perfect the financing management system of infrastructure construction. In order to solve the problem of infrastructure financing in China, we can complete the financing supervision mechanism of infrastructure construction and realize the diversification of financing subject, financing channels and financing methods.
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