[Abstract]:Using vector autoregressive model, static panel model and dynamic panel model, using time series data and provincial panel data from 2000 to 2013, the relationship between urbanization and energy efficiency is studied in this paper. The vector autoregressive model mainly studies the relationship between urbanization and energy efficiency at the national level. The stationary test, cointegration test, Granger causality, impulse response function and variance decomposition are used. The results show that there is a stable equilibrium relationship between urbanization and energy use efficiency in China, and urbanization will lead to the reduction of energy use efficiency. In the panel model, the static panel model and the dynamic panel model are combined, and the unit root test Kao cointegration test and Hausman test are used to estimate the GMM. The results show that China is still in the initial stage of energy efficiency reduction due to the urbanization process. The level of economic development will improve the efficiency of energy use. Industrial development will reduce the efficiency of energy use, so the industrial structure needs to be adjusted. Technological progress can promote the efficiency of energy use, so technological innovation and the adoption of new energy saving technology are imperative. However, in different regions, the influence intensity between them is different. For the eastern region with developed economy, the influence of economic development level on energy efficiency should be weakened, and the influence of technological progress and industrial structure on energy efficiency should be emphasized. For the underdeveloped central region, we should coordinate the development relationship among economic development, industrial structure, technological progress and energy efficiency; for the underdeveloped western region, The influence of technological progress and industrial structure on energy efficiency should be weakened and the influence of economic development on energy efficiency should be emphasized.
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