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发布时间:2018-07-29 12:13
[Abstract]:In recent years, the medical and health cattle industry in China has experienced a jump development. With the deepening reform of the medical and health cattle system in China, the medical and health industry has gradually become an indispensable part of Chinese society. Has become an important part of the national economy and people's livelihood. The hospital infrastructure has been paid more and more attention by the central and local governments, so the hospital ward building construction project has a certain significance. Taking the construction project of ward building of the third people's Hospital of Jinan as an example, the economic situation of the project is comprehensively evaluated. Based on the study of relevant economic evaluation theory, this paper constructs the economic evaluation index system of hospital ward building construction project, and finally makes a concrete analysis of each economic index of the project, and obtains the final comprehensive value of project economic evaluation by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). It provides reference for economic evaluation of similar projects. First of all, by expounding the background of project construction, the purpose, significance and content of project research are determined. Secondly, according to the relevant theoretical knowledge of project economic evaluation and the basic situation of project construction, the necessity of project construction and the project construction scheme are discussed. This paper analyzes the contents and indicators of the economic evaluation of the ward building of the third people's Hospital of Jinan from the four aspects of the financial benefit and social benefit of the project, and then analyzes the economic evaluation index of the project by combining the basic data of the project. It is concluded that the project construction is necessary, the construction scheme is reasonable, and it has certain financial and social benefits. Through sensitivity analysis, it is concluded that the project construction risk is not high, The analysis of each index indicates that the construction of the project is economically feasible. Finally, the comprehensive evaluation of project economic evaluation is carried out by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and expert investigation data. The comprehensive value of project economic evaluation is 78.4545, which indicates that the project construction can obtain better economic benefits.


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