[Abstract]:The incoordination between land urbanization and population urbanization in the process of rapid urbanization in China leads to the spread of urban land and low intensity. The paper studies the expansion speed and degree of urban land, and makes horizontal comparative analysis among cities. It is of great significance to delimit the boundary of urban growth and coordinate urban spatial planning. In the process of urban development, the change of urban land area and population number is the change of urban population density with time, which to some extent reflects the degree of urban land expansion and internal development potential, which is called urban spatial elasticity. Based on the population density and its change rate of 263 cities in China from 2000 to 2012, a simple and comparable index of urban spatial elasticity was constructed by using the method of sequence scoring. According to the results of elastic calculation, the cities are divided into five grades: high elasticity, medium elasticity, low elasticity and low elasticity. In the eastern part of China, the urban elasticity is relatively high, the central region is dominated by the high elastic city and the medium elastic city, and the urban elasticity in the western region is mainly below the medium level. During the study period, the population density of most sample cities decreased and the urban spatial elasticity increased, especially from 2000 to 2006. The further analysis of the five urban agglomerations in China shows that the spatial elasticity of cities in the economically developed areas is large, but the elasticity of the core cities in the urban agglomerations is medium or small. According to the results of urban spatial elastic calculation, the priority of urban growth boundary delineation and the degree control of rigid and elastic boundary can be determined more reasonably.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院;
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