[Abstract]:Population agglomeration and industrial agglomeration make cities come into being, and urbanization further promotes population and industrial agglomeration. Under the dual force of government and market, the scale of the city expands rapidly, the space structure reconstructs violently, and the cities spread to a certain extent in the countries all over the world. If the urban sprawl in Europe and the United States is regarded as a self-organizing process of market driven by the automobile revolution, the formation of domestic sprawl is the demand for urban land space and the payment for the original intensive land under the development of overspeed economy. The starting point is low, the speed is the most distinct characteristic of China's urbanization. In this process, the speed of urbanization and the rapid expansion of urban space have been further accelerated, resulting in carbon emissions has been widely concerned. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the effect of urban sprawl on carbon emissions and its mechanism for the realization of low carbonization in China. Based on the theoretical analysis of the scientific connotation of urban sprawl, using the methods of foreign scholars to measure the urban sprawl, this paper innovatively introduces the DMSP/OLS night light data to construct the urban sprawl measurement model suitable for China's national conditions. It makes the urban sprawl index more spatial expression, thus enhancing the confidence of the measurement results. According to the measurement results of 35 large and medium-sized cities in China, the present situation of urban sprawl in China is analyzed from three dimensions: overall, regional and clustering. Furthermore, the impact of urban sprawl on carbon emissions is analyzed empirically. The results show that urban sprawl is common in Chinese cities, and the degree of urban sprawl is closely related to the level of urban economic development, industrial structure, layout of urban planning and government policies. Among them, the northeast region is the most serious, the central and western regions the second, and the economic development of the eastern region is relatively the lightest. In addition, the positive correlation between urban sprawl and carbon emissions is proved by the empirical analysis of the spread index and carbon emissions, which indicates that low density urban expansion is often accompanied by higher carbon emissions. On the basis of this, this paper holds that our country should be steady and steady on the road of urbanization in the future, emphasizing the urbanization of people, improving the quality of urbanization, giving full play to the inherent bearing capacity of existing space, and advocating the compact space form. Build compact cities to ensure good and fast low-carbon development while economic growth.
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