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发布时间:2018-11-19 17:13
[Abstract]:As a comprehensive performance evaluation tool, balanced Scorecard (BSC) is more and more widely used in enterprises. It can integrate finance, customer, internal process, learning and growth to measure enterprise performance from many angles. Performance evaluation is a powerful tool for enterprises to create sustainable competitive advantage, to communicate enterprise behavior with enterprise strategy, and to accurately measure the performance of enterprises through performance evaluation, and to grasp the management situation and strategic direction of enterprises in time. In view of the importance of enterprise performance evaluation, this paper takes the subsidiary company of XN Group as the research object. A performance evaluation index system based on the balanced Scorecard theory is constructed for the subsidiary company. XN Group is an energy enterprise group with urban natural gas supply as its main business. Since the establishment of the group, there has not been a scientific performance evaluation system for the subsidiaries. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the performance evaluation of XN Group, the paper obtains the relevant information data of the company by field investigation, questionnaire survey and so on. Then using scientific research methods to analyze, find out the existing problems in its current performance management, find out the causes of the problems. On the basis of this, this paper expounds the necessity of XN group to construct the performance evaluation system for its subsidiaries, and then makes a clear definition of the objectives and principles of the performance evaluation of the subsidiary companies of the XN Group combined with the company's strategic objectives and vision. And draw up its strategic map. After decomposing the strategic theme of the enterprise, this paper selects the important performance indicators at the subsidiary level in the four dimensions of balanced Scorecard, and gives the corresponding weight to the index by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Thus, a scientific and perfect performance evaluation index system is constructed for the subsidiary company of XN Group. Finally, this paper puts forward a comprehensive evaluation method to get the quantitative evaluation result by using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, and carries on the practical application. Based on the balanced Scorecard theory, this paper establishes a performance evaluation system for the subsidiary companies of XN Group. On the one hand, it can objectively and accurately evaluate the performance of the enterprises, on the other hand, it can improve the management and operation level of the subsidiary companies. Further enhance the overall strength of XN Group. At the same time, I also hope to provide some reference and reference for the performance management research of other gas enterprises through the case study of XN Group.


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