[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the scale characteristics of urban agglomeration in the process of urbanization and to judge the appropriateness of its development. Research methods: based on the basic theory of marginal cost and marginal benefit of urban scale, the optimal scale analysis model and the appropriate judgment model of urban development scale are established by cubic nonlinear regression equation. The results are as follows: (1) to analyze the best scale of towns from the perspective of cost-benefit, we should not only look at the level of economic benefits obtained or the size of input costs, but also judge by the profit efficiency after deducting the cost input from the benefits of urban economic development; (2) on the basis of comparing and analyzing the actual scale and the optimum scale, the analysis model of the urban scale appropriateness is judged by the development stage of the urban scale and the trend of the urban scale growth. The conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) the development of megacities whose scale is larger than 500 km2 should be strictly restricted; (2) the large cities with the scale of 300-400 km2 should be developed appropriately according to the specific conditions. (3) it is necessary to promote the development of small and medium-sized towns with the scale of urban land less than 200 km2.
【作者单位】: 中国土地勘测规划院;国土资源部信息中心;
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