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发布时间:2018-11-27 17:34
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy, the construction industry has become the pillar industry in our national economy, and the residential building is the backbone of the construction industry, which plays an important role in the national economy. At present, the community generally believes that the housing industry has become a new growth point of national economic development. However, the mode of production of housing industry in our country has not got rid of the extensive development mode. If we want to realize intensive production and sustainable development, we must take the road of housing industrialization. Since the 1990s, our country has been advocating the housing industrialization construction, but the progress is slow, is still in the groping stage, and lacks the practical experience. Chongqing, as the frontier city of western development, faces the same problem, and its housing industrialization starts late, and the development of related research lags behind. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of housing industry in Chongqing, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to study the restricting factors of housing industrialization development. Based on summarizing the previous research results, the paper clarifies the concept, connotation and meaning of housing industrialization, and analyzes the difference and relation between housing industrialization and housing industrialization. At the same time, it reviews the development course of housing industrialization in China and Chongqing, and analyzes its present situation. On the basis of the above research, this paper preliminarily screened out the restrictive factors for the development of housing industrialization through the literature research method, and then combined with the expert interview method to optimize its treatment. Considering the actual situation and regional characteristics of the development of housing industrialization in Chongqing, this paper forms the frame system of restricting factors for the development of housing industrialization in Chongqing, and then adopts questionnaire survey. Factor analysis and other research methods to evaluate the relative importance of the above factors and empirical research, from the constraints of the development of housing industrialization in Chongqing five public factors, namely: policy measures, Organization production factor, technical specification factor, economic cost factor and construction management factor. Finally, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and relevant policy measures to speed up the development of housing industrialization in Chongqing, in order to provide theoretical basis and decision-making reference for promoting the development of housing industrialization in Chongqing. At the same time, to ensure that housing industrialization always along a sustainable track.


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