[Abstract]:Based on the data of the fifth and sixth national census, this paper studies the difference and spatial evolution of the residential housing quality in our country by combining the descriptive statistical method and the spatial analysis method. The results show that the housing space is crowded and the convenience of housing facilities is poor in our country, but the rate of housing freedom is high. On the whole, the housing quality of the county area has been greatly improved. The county area of high quality housing is mainly distributed along the coast, along the Yangtze River. The difference of the housing quality between the east, the high and the west is clear, but there is a trend of shrinking. The overall situation of housing quality in county area has obvious positive spatial correlation, and the degree of aggregation is slightly enhanced. The dual structure of local HH,LL type county area is significant, and the positive spatial effect is prominent.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学经济与贸易学院;
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