[Abstract]:Because the information asymmetry exists between the enterprise and the consumers, investors, government and other stakeholders, and the real enterprise environment information is the necessary premise for the stakeholders to make the decision. Therefore, enterprises with good environmental behavior are willing to disclose real environmental information, but at the same time, enterprises that do not have good environmental behavior are motivated to disclose false environmental information in order to obtain additional benefits. And then lead to the enterprise environmental information signal transmission failure. In order to solve this problem, this paper takes into account the limited rational characteristics of relevant subjects, constructs an evolutionary model of whether the enterprise truly discloses environmental information and government regulatory behavior, and analyzes the influence of the change of different parameters on the evolution results of the system. The system evolution process under different initial state and parameter setting is simulated by numerical experiments, and a certain conclusion is drawn. The results show that: the probability of government regulation, the cost of government regulation, the punishment of disclosure of false environmental information, the revenue of government choosing regulatory strategy, The profit from the real disclosure of environmental information and the camouflage effect coefficient of the enterprise have an important influence on the evolution result of the system. Through the policy means to regulate these parameters, we can guide the system to a good model evolution. Make the enterprise open the true environment information, achieve the signal transmission function of the environment information.
【作者单位】: 江苏大学管理学院;
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