[Abstract]:This paper extends the technology licensing architecture of Wang (2002), Cai Mingfang et al. (2009) and Li and Ji (2010) to consider the existence of an upstream intermediate financial supplier in the industry. The licensing and market competition of two downstream final property manufacturers (including a patentee and an authorized manufacturer). The results of this study are as follows: 1. Under the uniform or differential pricing of intermediate money manufacturers, when the franchisee innovates enough, the profit level of fixed rights authorization will be higher than that of no technical authorization, which is consistent with the view of Arya and Mittendorf (2006). Under the condition that the intermediate financial manufacturer adopts the unified pricing, whether the innovation is large or small, the profit level of the patentee to adopt the unit royalty authorization will always be higher than that without the technical authorization. Under the uniform pricing of intermediate property manufacturers, when the innovation is huge, the profit of the patentee adopting the fixed right fee will be lower than the profit of the unit right fee. 4. Under the differential pricing of intermediate money manufacturers, when the innovation is huge or not huge, as long as the innovation is large enough, the profit of the patentee taking the unit royalty will be lower than the unauthorized profit. May result in the patentee not authorizing. 5. Under the differential pricing of intermediate property manufacturers, when innovation is large, the profit of patentee adopting fixed right will be lower than that of unit equity. 6. Under the differential pricing of intermediate property manufacturers, the profit of the patentee taking the unit right will still be higher than the profit of the fixed right. 7. Under the licensing strategy of different royalties adopted by the patentee, the intermediate money manufacturer adopts the differential pricing strategy as its advantage strategy. 8. When the innovation is large or the innovation is small but relatively large, the social welfare of the patentee under the strategy of fixed right authorization is higher than that of the patentee adopting the unit right fee.
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