[Abstract]:The problem of single main body of investment, insufficient total amount and low efficiency has always been a difficult problem in the development of urban environmental protection infrastructure. Under the influence of government supervision, government service and work efficiency, there are many problems in private capital, such as insufficient investment motivation and low willingness to invest. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the influencing factors and dynamic mechanism of private capital investment in urban environmental protection infrastructure, so as to solve the investment problem of urban environmental protection infrastructure construction. This paper analyzes the factors that affect the investment of private capital in urban environmental protection infrastructure, and divides the basic motive force of private capital investment in urban environmental protection infrastructure into guidance, driving force and resistance according to the different functions of different factors. On this basis, the construction of the dynamic mechanism of private capital investment in urban environmental protection infrastructure is completed, and the operation of the dynamic mechanism is analyzed. From the perspective of the project, the whole process of the dynamic mechanism is analyzed, and finally, the countermeasures to promote private capital investment in urban environmental protection infrastructure are put forward.
【作者单位】: 天津城建大学经济与管理学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(12YJA630034) 国家自然科学基金项目(71171141)
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