【摘要】:Sustainable urbanization is not only an important research topic in the field of urbanization, but also the development direction of new-type urbanization. In this paper, we construct an index system to evaluate sustainable urbanization potential with the entropy method. Results show that potential values of sustainable urbanization in most cities are not high. Cities with higher sustainable urbanization potential values are mainly located in the central part of Northeast China. Environmental potential of sustainable urbanization is the main contributor to sustainable urbanization potential in Northeast China. There is no absolute relationship between city size and potential value, large city does not always mean greater potential. Correlation analysis shows that urbanization rate cannot reflect the sustainable urbanization potential of a region. Population urbanization is not the ultimate goal of sustainable urbanization. Unilateral pursue urbanization rate cannot improve the potential of sustainable urbanization. Towards sustainable urbanization, governments in Northeast China should revitalize local economy, pay more attention to the rural areas and develop low-carbon economy or ecological economy. Finally, this paper highlights the importance of choosing more integrated methodology or new models for measuring sustainable urbanization potential in view of the shortcomings of one method.
【作者单位】: Northeast
【关键词】: sustainable urbanization potential entropy method Northeast China
【基金】:National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41571152,No.41301111,No.41201159,No.71541021 Science and Technology Association Decision-making Advisory Project of Jilin Province,No.KX2015002
【正文快照】: 1 IntroductionHumanity today is experiencing a massive urbanization.According to United Nations’latestresearch,more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas today and percent-age of urban population will continue to grow and will rise
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