本文关键词:长沙地区空间开放性高校周边商业空间研究 出处:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of large-scale enrollment expansion in colleges and universities, the scale of campus is gradually expanding, and the number of college students in our country is increasing rapidly. The traditional development mode of campus construction can not adapt the development of higher education to the needs of the times. The development of university campus is constantly groping, the pattern of campus form is changing constantly, the opening of campus is increasing gradually, and the space opening is the important characteristic of campus opening up. Colleges and universities are more and more closely connected with the city. With the national social and economic level growing, the level of consumption of college students is constantly improving, and they are no longer satisfied with the dull and monotonous campus life, while completing their studies. Yearning for rich and colorful spiritual and cultural life, began to pursue a higher level of life taste. University campus service business has been unable to meet their growing demand for consumption, so look out of school. This paper is composed of five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, mainly including the research background, the definition of the research object, the domestic and foreign research review, the purpose and significance of the research, and on this basis the formation of research methods. The second chapter discusses the transformation process of university campus space form, combing the development of campus space. Thus the development trend of the future campus is reasonably predicted. The rise and development of the business around the campus is summarized, and the impact of the interaction between the campus and the surrounding business is pointed out. Chapter three. This paper mainly analyzes the evolution process and law of Changsha open campus and its surrounding commercial space, and summarizes the layout and distribution characteristics of commercial space. Chapter 4th. Combined with the consumption psychology and behavior characteristics of college students, this paper makes a concrete analysis and research on the different forms of commercial space around the open campus in Changsha area. Summary of their respective development characteristics and the main contradictions and deficiencies. 5th chapter, based on the content and results of the previous emphasis on the future space open new campus and the surrounding commercial space development trend is prospected. And puts forward the development principle and the tentative strategy of the space opening university peripheral commercial space.
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