本文关键词:工程项目经理激励约束博弈模型与机制研究 出处:《华北电力大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 工程项目经理 委托代理 博弈模型 激励 约束
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the construction industry and the reform of the market economic system in China, the current construction market competition has become more fierce. How to develop in the fierce market has become an urgent problem in the management process of current construction enterprises. The project management in the whole process of construction construction must have a main body of responsibility-the project manager. The new project accounts from the start of construction to the completion of the final account. How to save money, reduce wastage, save labor force, ensure the project quality goal and progress target achieved on schedule for construction enterprises, so as to obtain the greatest economic benefits for construction enterprises. This depends on whether the construction enterprise has a set of good management mechanism, but also depends on whether the project manager takes the maximum benefit of the construction enterprise as its own behavior goal to realize its own responsibility and right under the condition of commodity economy. From the perspective of economics, this paper analyzes the current situation of the incentive and constraint mechanism of project managers in construction enterprises, and reveals the shortcomings of the mechanism, based on the principal-agent theory. Focusing on the cost control of the project, the paper analyzes the game process between the behavior strategy combination of the project manager and the enterprise supervision, and establishes the incentive model and supervision model of the project manager. The utility model of project manager and the basic model of enterprise utility model, under the constraints of participation constraints and incentive compatibility constraints, the game model of incentive constraints of project managers is constructed. And put forward to the project manager compensation incentive method, through supervision or incentive to alleviate the project manager's speculative behavior. The paper draws the conclusion that the system is optimal and puts forward some suggestions on how to effectively avoid the speculative behavior of the project manager and improve the current incentive and supervision mechanism.
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