本文关键词: 黑龙江传统建筑 地域特性 边缘文化视角 文化现象 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Chinese traditional architectural culture is an important element that constitutes cultural diversity. Its formation and development are closely related to the culture of the region in which it is located. Heilongjiang is located on the edge of Chinese traditional culture. Affected by the spread and spread of culture, the traditional architecture has the characteristics of the buildings in the center of culture as well as the unique architectural characteristics of its own region. It is an indispensable part of Chinese traditional architecture system, and the architectural characteristics formed in the process of cultural evolution are an important part of analyzing the regional cultural characteristics of Heilongjiang. The cultural phenomenon it reflects is an entry point for the in-depth study of the evolution of regional culture in Heilongjiang. This paper, taking the traditional architectural culture as the breakthrough point, introduces the types of traditional architecture in Heilongjiang and its shape in architecture and layout planning. The regional characteristics of structural style and decorative style, combined with the relevant theories of cultural communication and cultural diffusion in cultural geography, through analysis, comparison, induction and summary, etc. This paper analyzes the cultural phenomena reflected in the historical evolution of Heilongjiang traditional architecture from the perspective of marginal culture. This paper mainly studies Heilongjiang traditional architectural culture from the following three aspects. This paper summarizes the types of traditional buildings in Heilongjiang province by combining the existing data and field investigation, and focuses on the selection of representative architectural examples of important architectural types through enumeration, induction, comparison and other methods. Find out the regular characteristics of these architectural types in planning layout, building concept, architectural performance and so on, so as to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the traditional architectural types in the region; second, Based on the detailed analysis of the regional technical characteristics of the traditional architectural types in Heilongjiang Province, combined with the comparison of the traditional architectural types in the cultural center area, the author concludes that the traditional buildings in Heilongjiang Province are building ideas, architectural forms, and structural styles. The decorative language, color expression and other aspects are different from other cultural areas of the technical and artistic characteristics, for the further analysis of Heilongjiang traditional architecture in the historical evolution of the process of reflecting the cultural phenomenon; third, This paper analyzes the regional characteristics formed in the evolution of traditional buildings in Heilongjiang. This paper expounds the cultural factors selected and integrated to meet the needs of the environment in the course of its development and evolution, and the cultural factors which are not suitable for the development of architecture and produce the variation and loss. At the same time, based on the theory of cultural geography, this paper analyzes the cultural phenomenon in the evolution of Heilongjiang traditional architecture from the perspective of marginal culture.
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