本文选题:非确定性因素 切入点:旧城区 出处:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:"Old City" is a complex system, which will face more and more strict historical protection, more and more strong development, and higher and higher requirements of the legal system.Affected by the rapidly changing market elements and market environment, the government's rent-seeking and corruption are aggravated, as the multi-identities of continuing the historical development, carrying the evolving pattern of the city, the center of various urban functions and resources, etc.The old city is more uncertain than other parts of the city.In order to deal with the uncertainty and maintain the characteristics of the old urban area and guide the rational development and construction of the old urban area, we must begin with the controlling detailed planning (hereinafter referred to as "the control regulation"), which directly guides the urban construction.Based on the analysis of the phenomenon that the local adjustment of control rules frequently occurs, this paper points out that the key reason is that there is no good prediction in the planning process, and the uncertainty is excluded and solved.Combined with the history, practice and relevant management experience of the old urban reform in China, the types, characteristics, levels and states of the non-deterministic factors in the process of controlling and regulating the old urban areas are discussed.At the same time, by reflecting on the shortcomings of the current regulation and regulation in the old urban area of our country to deal with the uncertainty, this paper attempts to construct the elastic regulation system of the old urban regulation and regulation under the influence of the non-deterministic factors, so as to further improve the management system of the control and regulation in the old urban area of China.From the point of view of uncertainty, this paper makes an exploratory study on the formulation, implementation and management of the old urban control regulations. The main content of the study is: 1) there are uncertain factors in the process of the old urban control and planning, and the types and characteristics of them are grasped.The level and state can be helpful to the development of control and planning, implementation and management activities. (2) to put forward a vision to develop, and to view the old urban reconstruction activities with the social unity values of public interest as the main consideration.In this paper, the rationality evaluation index system of elastic regulation and control is constructed. 3) under the premise of the combination of planning and land department, the urban renewal section is established to realize the elastic regulation and control uniformly.During the implementation phase, the emergency response mechanism and the whole process of protection mechanism are started to achieve the balance of urban economy, society, environment, and so on.This paper puts forward the corresponding flexible control strategy in view of the mechanism of elastic regulation, and tries to use partial elastic regulation and control in the stage of regulation and regulation in the old urban area of Zhongxiang City.The renewal of old city in our country is a long-term process. It is impossible to adapt to the development rhythm of our country completely. This paper discusses the establishment, implementation and management of control rules from the perspective of "stock".In order to attract the attention of the government and academic circles, this paper makes an exploratory study on the regulation of the old urban area.
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