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发布时间:2018-04-21 03:07

  本文选题:节理 + 灌浆 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:The natural rock mass is a discontinuous geological body that has been cut from the whole rock by joints, cracks and other structures. The existence of the structural plane greatly weakened the mechanical properties of the rock mass. In large water conservancy and hydropower projects, the tensioned hard rock joints are generally encountered in a structural plane. This kind of joints mainly occurs in hard rock, which is composed of geological structures and tensioning. The effect of the toppling deformation and excavation unloading. The shear strength of the tensioned hard rock joints is low, the weakening of the hard rock is very obvious, and the problem of the stability of the rock structure is very prominent. This paper takes the tensile type hard rock joints as the main research object, and the joint study method combining indoor test and theoretical analysis to the joint three. The main research contents and achievements in this paper are as follows: (1) study on the characterization method of the three dimensional morphology of joints: the study on the preparation of the tensile joints by splitting method and the study of the three-dimensional morphology characteristics of the joints with the aid of a three-dimensional laser scavenger. Combining the statistical method with the fractal theory, a new index of three-dimensional roughness is established. The new index has a clear physical meaning, which can better characterize the three dimensional morphology characteristics of the joints, and the index parameters are independent of the measurement scale in a certain range. In addition, the new index synthesis takes into account the rough features of different scales and is in the first place. The requirements for the measurement scale can be relaxed in the fixed range. (2) the shear strength characteristics of tensioned hard rock joints are studied by the tensile test of hard rock joints. The shear strength characteristics, dilatancy characteristics, failure mechanism, and the shear strength and joint morphology during the heavy shear process are studied by the direct shear test. The research results show that the shear strength of the tensioned hard rock joints is high, but the shear strength after the peak is rapidly falling; the shear dilatancy effect of the tensile type hard rock joints is obvious, the shear dilatancy is large, and the shear wear of the tensile type hard rock joints mainly occurs in the larger region of the local undulation angle, and the peak shear resistance under repeated shear conditions is resistant to shear. The strength is exponentially attenuated and the wear morphology wear increases. (3) the model of the peak shear strength of the tensioned hard rock joints is based on the conclusion and analysis of the experimental results. Based on the new three-dimensional roughness index, the peak shear strength model of the tensioned hard rock joints is established, and the rationality of the new model is verified by the test results. The new model physics is verified. It is of clear meaning and convenient to use. It can reflect the anisotropy of the peak shear strength of the joint, and the peak shear strength calculated by the new model still has high precision under the condition that the measurement scale of the new model is relaxed in a certain range. (4) the tensile tensile type hard rock joints are prepared by the experimental study of the shear strength characteristics of the grout tensile type hard rock joints. The shear strength characteristics, dilatancy characteristics, shear failure mechanism, and mechanical mechanism of jointed joints strengthened by grouting are studied through direct shear test. The results show that the shear strength of the joints is improved by grouting, but the shear strength of the joints is straight down, the residual shear strength is low, and most of the grouting joints are used. The shear process has obvious dilatancy effect, but the shear expansion is smaller, and the grouting tensile type hard rock joints are mainly damaged along the jointed rock wall cement paste cementation surface, but when the filling degree is small and the normal pressure is high, the shear failure may occur along the cement slurry stone layer. The joint bond strength is increased, and the joint conditions are weakened on the other hand. (5) on the basis of the study of the peak shear strength model of the tensile tensile type hard rock joints, based on the peak shear strength model of the tensile type hard rock joints, the peak shear strength model of the grouting tensile type hard rock joints is established, and the test is tested. The results verify the rationality of the model. The new model has a clear physical meaning and is convenient to use. It can reflect the anisotropy of the peak shear strength of the grouting joint. It also reflects the influence of the bonding strength of the cementing joint surface, the filling degree of the cement slurry and the strength of the joint rock wall to the peak shear strength of the grouting joint. (6) irrigation. Study on the long-term shear mechanical properties of tensile type hard rock joints, the grouting tensile type hard rock joints were prepared. The shear creep properties and long term shear strength of the grouting joints were studied by shear creep test, and a modified transitional creep method was established to determine the long-term shear strength of joints on the basis of transition creep method. The joints have obvious creep characteristics, and the shear stress only appears in the attenuating stage when the creep is small, while the attenuating creep and isokinetic creep stage occur at the same time when the shear stress is large, but the creep process does not appear in the stage of accelerated failure; the improved transitional creep deformation method is close to the method recommended by the standard, but the new formula is new. The method has the advantages of no need to superimpose the creep curve and no human determination of the turning point of the creep curve. Under the test conditions, the long term shear strength of the marble joint with the grouting tensile type is about 50%. of the peak shear strength.



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