本文选题:城市居住区停车 + 居住区分类 ; 参考:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, it is an indisputable fact that cars enter ordinary families in many cities of our country. Cars make it convenient for urban residents to travel, improve the quality of life, and at the same time bring serious troubles to urban residential areas. Urban residential area is the main place where cars are parked. The rapid popularization of cars is undoubtedly a severe challenge to the construction of facilities, environmental landscape, pedestrian safety and peaceful residence in existing residential areas. The contradiction of parking in urban residential areas is becoming more and more serious. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the parking characteristics of different types of residential areas, this paper discriminates the parking problems such as parking space supply and demand, parking management, traffic organization, parking space layout, parking construction and so on. This paper studies and establishes the parking demand model of residential areas, and then puts forward more scientific and reasonable parking reconstruction strategies for different types of residential areas, and provides scientific advice for the construction and development of parking facilities in future residential areas. First of all, this paper analyzes the theory of neighborhood unit, Redburne mode, residential area tranquillity through analyzing the development course of residential district planning at home and abroad, and the parking strategy of typical foreign cities. The residential area planning theory and parking strategy can be used for reference. Secondly, on the basis of the classification of the existing residential areas, this paper combines the parking problems studied in this paper, comprehensively considering the years of construction, social attributes of residential areas, spatial structure characteristics, parking allocation indicators and other factors to subdivide the second-class residential land. The paper also analyzes the spatial characteristics of residential areas such as the proportion of land, the characteristics of road land, the characteristics of green land, parking characteristics such as parking supply, parking mode, traffic organization, parking management, etc. Parking landscape and other aspects of the characteristics. On the basis of the above comprehensive analysis, the parking problems in various residential areas are summarized and analyzed. In addition, based on the analysis of the present situation and existing problems of parking allocation index in China, considering the influence of the level of urban motorization, the location of residential area and the characteristics of residential area on parking allocation, the model of parking demand of residential area is established. And take Xi'an as an example to study deeply. Finally, according to the characteristics of different types of residential areas, this paper puts forward the reform strategies from the aspects of parking allocation index, parking space, parking management, traffic organization and landscape environment. And put forward the corresponding parking strategy for the new residential area parking development. The research in this paper can provide some useful reference for the improvement of parking problems in residential areas, thus promoting the improvement of the overall environmental quality of residential areas.
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