本文选题:深基坑 + 止水帷幕 ; 参考:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, China is in the period of rapid development of economic construction. The steady improvement of urbanization level makes the construction land in cities increasingly tense. More and more foundation pit projects emerge as the times require, including large deep foundation pit. In the design and construction of deep foundation pit, it is indispensable to set up water-proof curtain. The function of the waterproof curtain in the dewatering of foundation pit is to delay or prevent the groundwater flowing into the foundation pit, so as to avoid the ground subsidence around the foundation pit caused by the decrease of groundwater level, and at the same time, to ensure the basic dryness of the foundation pit interior and facilitate the construction. Most of the watertight curtain are designed to obtain the best sealing effect, but rarely consider its rationality from the mechanical point of view. Based on the theory of mechanics, this paper simulates the whole process of excavation support by using FLAC3D software, and loads the top of foundation pit after excavation. By comparing various working conditions and analyzing the mechanical function of the waterproof curtain with a series of data, the influence of the curtain on the displacement of foundation pit and the axial force of soil nailing under different working conditions, such as elastic modulus and thickness, is discussed. At present, in the dewatering design of foundation pit with watertight curtain, there is no theoretical formula for calculating the water level drop and pumping volume which is in accordance with the engineering practice. In this paper, the foundation pit dewatering is simulated by ABAQUS software. By comparing the results of various working conditions after 60 days of precipitation, this paper discusses the influence of water stop curtain on the pore water pressure field, the depth of water level inside and outside the foundation pit, the influence radius of dewatering and the water discharge of foundation pit at different insertion depths. Finally, through the analysis of well point (pipe well) dewatering theory commonly used in dewatering design at present, combining with the results of numerical simulation, the practicability of existing formulas in foundation pit dewatering design is discussed, and the calculation method of foundation pit water discharge in the presence of waterproof curtain is put forward.
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