本文选题:音乐美学 + 建筑生成 ; 参考:《清华大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:"Architecture is solidified music", which is widely used in the theoretical research and practice of the relationship between architecture and music. Music is the auditory art of time dimension, while architecture is the visual art of space dimension. It seems that the categories are different, but both of them have strong appeal and a high degree of abstraction. Originated from the same time and space concept and human synesthesia, music reflects the changing space, and architecture has the rhythm of music. It is wonderful that the two should be reconciled with each other. At present, there are many architectural practices based on this unique phenomenon, trying to get architectural inspiration from music. However, due to the one-sidedness of the analysis and understanding of architecture and music and the limitation of the means of operation, it is difficult to reflect the characteristics of the Noumenon music and the content is lost greatly. This article hopes to analyze the similarities between music and architecture from the angle of history and music aesthetics. Based on the background of current information society and digitization, this paper puts forward "diagram" as a bridge between music and architecture. The music is explained by "diagram", and the architecture is generated. This paper will study the three dimensions of vertical, horizontal and special cases. Combing and comparing the aesthetic characteristics of music and architecture in different historical periods. By analyzing the social and cultural background, philosophy and other driving forces behind the phenomenon, this paper sums up the interactive course of music and architecture, and points out the interworking characteristics of the concept of time and space in the same period. A horizontal comparison of the aesthetics of music and architecture. This paper analyzes the function of space-time and scale modulus, analyzes the form of music elements and techniques, and establishes the dualistic common relationship. This is the theoretical basis of architectural generation. Selected from the Baroque period composer Bach's "Music dedication", the Impressionist composer Debussy "Moonlight" and the Chinese traditional piano music "flowing water", respectively, by graphic means from the music operation, Atmosphere rendering and sound effects are analyzed from three angles, and digital building generation is attempted. This paper hopes to re-examine architecture and architectural creation from the perspective of music, bring the professional thinking of music into architecture, and explore the methods of architectural creation inspired by music while deepening the understanding of architecture. Strengthen and realize the connection between music and architecture.
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