本文选题:煤矿废弃地 + 景观再生 ; 参考:《北京林业大学》2015年博士论文
[Abstract]:Coal mine wasteland occupies a large proportion of mining wasteland in our country, the environmental impact and land damage are serious, and the need for remediation is very urgent. Taking the landscape regeneration model of coal mine wasteland as the main object, this paper analyzes the potential landscape function and utilization conditions of different types of coal mine abandoned land, and probes into the feasibility and realization way of landscape regeneration mode of coal mine abandoned land. The principles and methods of planning and design, which are regular and can be generalized, are summarized, and the corresponding ways are found in the treatment and restoration of abandoned land in coal mines and in the development and construction of urban green space. The landscape regeneration of coal mine wasteland is a scientific, artistic, environmental and economic large-scale restoration and design topic, involving many aspects of problems, relying solely on a single subject of landscape architecture. The single level of design can not guarantee the realization of design goals, so it is necessary to explore interdisciplinary and systematic integrated research methods. In this paper, the ecological restoration project cases of several abandoned coal mines and some non-coal mining wasteland at home and abroad are taken as the initial and secondary research data, the basic basis of the theory of landscape architecture and the theory of interdisciplinary interference are taken as the basis. This paper discusses the realization of landscape regeneration mode of abandoned land in coal mine by means of inductive analysis, vertical and horizontal comparison, cross synthesis, case study, and so on, which constitute the theoretical framework of the research on location theory. And form the following main research conclusions: 1. Under the framework of national policies, laws and regulations and regional planning system, the pattern of landscape regeneration in coal mine wasteland is dominated by landscape architecture, relying on multi-disciplinary intervention and multi-sectoral cooperation. The support of ecological restoration technology is not only feasible, but also worthy of advocating an ecological restoration model and land use direction. The meaning of landscape regeneration of coal mine abandoned land includes two levels, one is reclamation into park green space, The meaning of this level can make a large number of damaged coal mining land located on the edge of the city or central urban area to be reclaimed into recreational and recreational green space with the characteristics of mining landscape and relieve the pressure of the limited capacity of urban green ecological space development. Second, using the design theory and technique of landscape architecture to reclaim the land for other types of land, bring into play the irreplaceable role of the subject of landscape architecture, so that the land after reclamation has landscape, ecology, Economic and other functions. 3. To discuss land revitalization and landscape regeneration of abandoned land in coal mines, the utilization of local plots should be considered as a whole in the layout and spatial structure of urban land. Planning orientation and design control requirements at different scales are formulated at the two levels of city and coal mine wasteland. The realization of the goal of landscape regeneration of coal mine wasteland involves many aspects of knowledge and scope, which is a complex and comprehensive topic. Cross-disciplinary integration research is needed to deal with many challenges and complex problems. 5. The realization of the goal of landscape regeneration in abandoned coal mines can not be achieved without the support of ecological restoration technology, whether it is the presentation of visual form or the display of landscape function. All rely on ecological restoration technology, otherwise, landscape regeneration will not be successful.
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