[Abstract]:"Architecture is a solidified music, music is a mobile building", although it is well known, it is difficult for anyone to know where the connection between the two is. If only a simple repetition of wonderful music is simply repeated, it is impossible to get rid of the field of literary metaphor. In terms of quality, it is difficult for people to explain the relationship between the two. This article tries to explore and comb the historical origins of architecture and music through the analysis of the context and thinking background, and to explore the relationship between architecture and music under the modern art system so as to better grasp the characteristics of architectural art. How is it possible to make the relationship between architecture and music possible? According to the chronological order, from ancient Greece to the contemporary architecture scientist Daniel Libeskind's "music and architecture", the author tries to discuss the relationship between architecture and music. However, after reviewing the relationship between architecture and music in the whole history of history, the author sends it. In this paper, the author wants to focus on the multiple possibilities of linking architecture to music, instead of placing architecture and music in a single field and analyzing the relationship between the two in a historical perspective. On the other hand, the author has organized a history of people's critical attitude to the study of the object of speech analysis, a number of research methods, which determines the idea of this article. In addition, there are other research methods and theories. For example, in the style period, the common point of Architecture and music music: first, whether it is architecture or music, it We are all experimentation with the common sense of the Renaissance; second, they are thought to have a tendency to rely on other arts, and so on. It is necessary to point out that, in the study of the relationship between the two people of architecture and music, we should try to avoid the analogy method in literature and analyze the relationship between the structure or the methodology. And do not rely too much on style, but to carry out a specific analysis of the objects that they say. Because too much dependence on style will lead to the development of the study, which makes the style the object of research, and it will be taken into account. In addition, it is also necessary to point out that this article is the metaphor of the architecture as a metaphor for music. There is a reversal of the two, for example, Corbusier's "moving building", Song Ping Lai Xiao "music is a vibrant building" and so on. But in the opinion of the author, if the two are reversed to study, the relationship between architecture and music will become the relationship between the architecture and the architecture transformed by music, so that the architecture itself It becomes the object of self comparison, and the field of research is set in the field of architecture itself. Therefore, the author still feels that it is appropriate to study the architecture as a metaphor for music (of course, if it is to study the relationship between architecture and music two in the field of music, it is certainly the most appropriate). Writing, the author hopes to let the reader see the intersecting and permeation between the two different disciplines, to understand the world from different angles and make use of all aspects of knowledge in the future. On the other hand, the author also hopes to improve the overall design of the architecture by the exposition of the relationship between the two people of architecture and music. Aesthetic consciousness, and the innovation and development of thinking play a catalyst for the development of a certain catalyst; in addition, the author also hopes that through this article can inspire readers to produce more building and music interrelated resonance, more expected to have a musician to transform the building space into music. The inadequacies of this article: (1) the collection of data is not complete; (2) This paper is mainly from the development of Western history to demonstrate the relationship between the two people of architecture and music, but for the theory of the East, because of the lack of systematic literature for reference, it has not been mentioned too much. (3) the paper tries to take a comprehensive view of the long period background and short time background factors affecting the conception of Chinese and Western architecture, but in fact, There is a slight shortage in the long term.
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