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发布时间:2018-07-27 21:29
[Abstract]:Block building plays an important role in the traditional architecture, which is closely related to the process and technology of the block in the traditional architecture. However, with the development of society, block technology and technology have not kept pace with the times, and the use of block building has been restricted. The development of digital technology brings vitality to the process and technological innovation of block, which brings possibility from many aspects such as digital design, block production technology, structure system and construction mode, etc. This paper mainly studies the improvement or innovation of block building under the influence of digital technology. Based on the theory of construction, this paper reconsiders the block unit form and block construction mode under the influence of digital technology. And based on this to re-examine the form of block building strategy. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the research background and purpose, the related research at home and abroad, the research object, the method and the content, and puts forward the framework of the thesis. The second part analyzes the block unit type, block mould type, block construction mode and block structure system, and discusses the digital technology in block building. The influence of digital technology on block is summarized. The third part discusses the design of block unit under digital technology, compares the existing block material and mould, discusses the influence of digital technology on block unit and the direction of block optimization, discusses the strategy of block optimization, and carries out experimental research. In the fourth part, the construction method and structure system of digital block are discussed, and the innovation of structure system is put forward and verified by experiment. In the fifth part, based on the three and four parts, the strategy of digital block building form is studied, and the strategy of block building form from line, face to body is obtained.


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