[Abstract]:The ecological charm of the traditional settlement has never disappeared, from the initial nest, cave dwelling, gradually develop, perfect, and form a complete housing system. It is a long-term exploration, practice and creation of local residents to adapt to the climate and natural environment organic products. The traditional settlement of Qingdao coastal area is located in the cold area of northern China. The climate is characterized by four distinct seasons, cold and dry winter, frequent rainfall in summer and the same season of rain and heat. The building not only meets the thermal requirements of winter heating and heat preservation, cold protection and freezing protection, but also has the functions of heat, moisture and storm protection. The unique landform and climate characteristics of Qingdao coastal area bring up the settlement architectural form with regional characteristics. Based on the investigation of the traditional settlement in Qingdao, three kinds of traditional settlements with different topographic characteristics, namely, flat land and mountainous area, are selected for detailed survey and mapping in this paper. This paper takes the traditional local settlement of Qingdao coastal area as the research object, explores the traditional and simple design methods and structural measures to adapt to climate and nature in the traditional local settlement, and tries to summarize and refine the traditional design method of climate adaptability in Qingdao area. In order to be able to apply in the future to Qingdao modern coastal architecture residential environment design.
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