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发布时间:2018-08-15 14:04
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of transportation infrastructure in China, a large number of inland rivers and cross-sea bridges are built or planned throughout the country. Accidents occur when large bridges, vehicles, ships or floating objects hit the pier. At the same time, the corrosion of bridge piers caused by chloride ions in the marine environment leads to the corrosion of steel bars in concrete members, the durability degradation and early failure, the law of which needs to be further studied. Therefore, it is of great engineering significance and academic value to study the lateral impact resistance of corroded reinforced concrete pier columns. In this paper, the lateral impact resistance of 8 reinforced concrete pier columns with different corrosion rates is studied by rapid corrosion test and drop hammer impact test, and the corrosion mechanical properties of reinforced concrete columns are degraded by considering the material rate effect of concrete pier columns. The ultimate state calculation method of corroded reinforced concrete pier column is obtained by analyzing the degradation of corrosion bond property and impact penetration property of reinforced concrete, and the numerical simulation of the test is carried out by ANSYS/LS-DYNA. The influence of corrosion rate on lateral impact resistance of steel concrete pier column is analyzed synthetically through the degradation of steel bar mechanical properties to simulate the corrosion of steel bar. On this basis, the influence of bearing form and concrete strength on lateral impact resistance is analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) with the increase of corrosion rate, the initial corrosion crack width and length of reinforced concrete pier columns increase obviously, and (2) the specimens with different corrosion rates show different failure patterns under impact loading. The failure mode of low corrosion rate specimens is concrete penetration and crushing at impact site and bending shear failure caused by bending shear crack. The failure mode of high corrosion rate specimen is concrete penetration crushing at impact site and shear brittle failure without warning. The increase of corrosion rate reduces the lateral impact ductility of the pier column. (3) the average impact force and peak impact force of the concrete pier column with high corrosion rate are larger than those of the low corrosion rate pier column under the low impact condition, and under the failure condition, The average impact force and peak impact force of the pier column with high corrosion rate are smaller than those of the low corrosion rate specimen, and the corrosion rate affects the ultimate failure mode of the specimen. (4) the peak strain and average strain of steel bar in tensile zone of high corrosion rate specimens are obviously lower than those of low corrosion rate specimens. The main reason is that the corrosion of steel bar leads to the degradation of bond property between steel bar and concrete, which makes the strain of steel bar lag behind. Using strain lag coefficient of steel bar? Considering the strain lag caused by the corrosion of steel bar, the calculation result is close to the test result, and the error is 6.8. (5) the impact limit state calculation method of corroded reinforced concrete pier column mainly considers the rate effect of material, and the mechanical properties of corroded steel bar degrade. The strain of corroded steel bar lags behind, and the penetration of concrete in impact area degenerates. The error between the calculated results and the test results is 5.27. (6) in the finite element analysis, observing the main tensile stress distribution of the specimens, it can be found that the specimens with simple supports at both ends are the weak parts of the impact shear failure at each third of each side of the impact site, and one end is clamped, For simply supported specimens with one end, the main tensile stress concentration area is inclined to the fixed support end, and the impact area in the middle span of the specimen is close to the end / side of the fixed support end to the third span, which becomes the weak part of the specimen. At the same time, the corner of the pier cap of the specimen is weak under compression. (7) the peak impact force of high strength concrete is greater than that of low strength concrete. Because of the rate sensitivity of concrete material, when the impact velocity is low, the increase of impact force of concrete is smaller, and the increase of impact force of concrete is obviously larger when the impact velocity is high.


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