[Abstract]:Over the past decade, China's supermarket industry has grown rapidly in both size and quantity. At the same time, we should also notice that large supermarkets are large public buildings with high energy consumption, so it is urgent to reduce energy consumption for large supermarkets when the country is vigorously promoting energy saving and emission reduction. Among the total energy consumption of large supermarkets, commercial central air conditioning energy consumption and lighting energy consumption is the largest, thus reducing the overall energy consumption of central air conditioning system in large stores or other large personnel intensive places. Will for the whole building energy saving and emission reduction effect to bring a significant improvement. Based on the research on energy saving of air conditioning in large supermarkets, this paper analyzes the particularity of large supermarkets, summarizes the practical experience of the author, and summarizes several methods that can obviously reduce the energy consumption of central air conditioning in large stores. And in view of these methods, from the rationality, scientific and economic analysis of several angles. The energy-saving effect and investment return characteristics of these energy-saving measures are analyzed through practical cases, and the feasibility of applying these energy-saving measures in large supermarkets is verified.
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