[Abstract]:Yangzhou, as a famous historical city, is a place for many tourists. With more and more people coming to Yangzhou, the development of new scenic spots and the rectification of old scenic spots are facing a serious test. Jianzhen Memorial Square is erected to integrate Shugang-thin West Lake Scenic spot, it is not only the end of the thin West Lake water tour line, but also the entrance direction of the Daming Temple scenic spot. Jianzhen Memorial Square was built before the Tourism Festival on April 18, 2014. So far, no author has done any research on it. So this article will be the first paper to study the square, which has the first value. Secondly, Jianzhen Square as a cultural theme square, its design idea, function, culture, space form and so on all have certain special quality. This paper will start with the initial plan of Jianzhen Square, and study the Jianzhen Square by combing the progressive design scheme and the final shape of the square. From the perspective of the overall promotion of the south side of Daming Temple, from the overall planning concept to the detailed landscape design, carefully and rigorously analyze the landscape characteristics of the Jianzhen theme cultural square, and at the same time, in the process of studying and analyzing the landscape of the Jianzhen theme cultural square, Summing up the basic principles and methods it follows is of certain reference significance for the later construction of other scenic squares in Yangzhou and similar squares in other cities throughout the country. On the logical starting point of preliminary investigation, field exploration and conceptual design, this paper discusses the concept of "tourist Scenic spot Square" and analyzes the present situation of surrounding environment on the south side of Daming Temple. Then to the analysis of the landscape planning and design of Jianzhen theme cultural square, on the basis of the research of multi-round design scheme and the inspection of entity square, the landscape characteristics of the theme cultural square are analyzed in detail. The contents of the research are as follows: 1, analysis of the surrounding environment in the south of Daming Temple 2, the content of each round of the cultural square and its progressive relationship 3, the design principle of the cultural square 4, the theme of the real. Landscape Features of Culture Square
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