[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the method of determining bearing capacity of current code, and considers that its deficiency is that it has no definite safety factor and settlement deformation value, and the bearing capacity of hard soil or low compressibility foundation is conservative in practical application. However, the bearing capacity of soft soil or high compressibility foundation and large-sized foundation is at risk because of excessive settlement and deformation. It is suggested that the bearing capacity of the foundation should be calculated by the strength and deformation parameters of the rock and soil, and the maximum bearing capacity of the foundation should be determined according to the principle of double control of the strength and deformation. The safety factor and settlement value of foundation bearing capacity can be obtained, and more scientific and reasonable foundation bearing capacity can be obtained. It has good engineering application value. It is suggested that the in-situ compression plate load test should be used to inverse calculate the strength and deformation parameters of the foundation soil, not to determine the bearing capacity directly. When the in-situ compression plate test is not carried out to the limit state, it is suggested that the maximum test load value be used to determine the strength parameters of the soil. The deformation parameters of soil are determined by hyperbolic fitting. A simple method of double-control determination is suggested, which is easy to be applied and illustrated by a case study.
【作者单位】: 广东省水利水电科学研究院;广东省岩土工程技术研究中心;华南理工大学土木与交通学院;
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