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发布时间:2018-10-04 20:36
[Abstract]:In order to explore the feasibility of coring method for testing the water permeability of concrete, the reliability of the standard sample for testing the water permeability of concrete and the difference of the test data of the different impermeability grade of concrete, the standard specimen of the laboratory is used to test the water permeability of concrete. The test, comparison and analysis of the concrete permeability resistance of laboratory members are carried out. The test results show that it is feasible to test the water permeability of concrete by coring method, but the average value of the test data of the core sample is larger than that of the standard sample, and the core sample with a large diameter is suitable for the core sample, and under the existing construction technology conditions, the average value of the core sample is larger than that of the standard sample. The present test methods for testing the water permeability of concrete with standard samples are conservative, and the dispersion of P10 impermeability grade is obviously larger than that of P8 / P6 impermeability grade. The study on the water permeability of solid structure concrete is useful for reference.
【作者单位】: 中国建筑科学研究院;


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