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发布时间:2018-10-05 19:29
[Abstract]:Building energy conservation has been more and more known and valued by people. In the energy situation is increasingly serious today, the status of building energy conservation is more and more prominent. Solar energy is a kind of clean and sustainable energy, and ground source heat pump is a kind of heat pump technology which uses low grade energy. The coupling of solar energy and ground-source heat pump can not only realize the efficient utilization of energy, but also make up for the shortcomings and shortcomings of the two kinds of energy. It has great energy saving potential. In this paper, a solar ground-source heat pump coupling system is introduced. In winter, ground-source heat pump is used for building heating. Solar radiation can provide domestic hot water supply throughout the year, and soil heat storage is carried out at the time of strong radiation in summer. To compensate for the ground temperature change caused by the long-term operation of the ground source heat pump. It not only realizes the use of solar energy in different seasons, but also improves the applicability of ground source heat pump. Based on the actual project of solar ground-source heat pump coupling system in Yichun area, the application of solar ground-source heat pump coupling system is carried out in the severe winter, where the outdoor temperature is low, the heating time is long and the heat load is large. And the actual heating season operating conditions of the system was tested. According to the actual situation, the test objects and methods are selected. The solar radiation intensity, the temperature of the storage tank, the temperature of the backwater supply of the buried pipe system, the temperature of the backwater supply of the heat pump unit and the flow rate of the system are selected. Indoor temperature and other related parameters are monitored during heating season, and the actual operating conditions of solar hot water system and ground source heat pump system are analyzed. On the basis of experimental research, the coupling system of solar ground-source heat pump is simulated and analyzed by using TRNSYS software. Through the data obtained from the actual test, the component parameters are selected and the model is established. The operation and performance of the system are analyzed by the variation of simulated storage tank temperature and solar energy guarantee rate, and the annual variation law of soil temperature is analyzed in order to explain the problem of soil thermal balance. Finally, the area of solar collector is taken as an example to illustrate the direction and means of system optimization and improvement. It lays a foundation for further research.


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