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发布时间:2018-10-31 13:26
[Abstract]:Urban form is the accumulation and precipitation of material civilization and spiritual civilization in different historical periods, and evolves with the development of city. At present, our country is in the process of rapid economic growth and rapid urban development, among which the rapid increase of urban population leads to the increase of urban land use, the expansion of urban space and the reorganization of urban structure, thus promoting the disorderly evolution of urban form. At the same time, there are a series of urban problems, so the study of the evolution of urban form is one of the important means to guide the healthy and orderly development of the city. This paper describes the deep level characteristics and basic laws of the dynamic development of the urban spatial form in Hefei by means of quantitative analysis. The index parameters of spatial syntax theory which are closely related to urban spatial form, namely global integration degree, local integration degree, connectivity degree, comprehensible degree and spatial intelligence degree, are studied and selected. Construct six different periods of urban space segmentation axis map of Hefei, through comparing the changes of relevant measurement values in each period, to explain the development characteristics and influencing factors of urban inner space and outer space form. That is, to analyze the relationship between self-organizing elements and other organizational elements. In addition, the paper introduces the city compactness, which is an important index to measure the urban form, to assist the outward development research of the urban spatial form, hoping to explain the development of the urban form in a more comprehensive way. Finally, the paper summarizes the evolution process, characteristics, mechanism, evolutional motivation and current problems of the urban spatial form in the central urban area of Hefei for a long time, and puts forward the optimization strategy and development mode of the urban spatial form in Hefei in the future. It provides a new perspective and train of thought for the sustainable development of urban space in Hefei, and can also provide data support and reference for planning and management departments.


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