发布时间:2018-11-07 11:45
【摘要】:由于我国快速老龄化与人口高龄化超前于现代化,老龄化进程与经济发展不同步的矛盾导致“未富先老”、“未备先老”现象的出现;计划生育政策的影响,家庭结构的变迁,家庭养老功能弱化,代际支持力降低,均直接导致低收入家庭尤其是低收入“夹心层”老年人的养老问题陷入困境;加之城市社区共同体精神缺失、代际关系消极、邻里关系疏离,保障性住房适老化设计的缺口,致使低收入老人的居家养老环境不甚理想。这种现状将持续很长时间。 本文基于以上背景与问题以及国内外文献、实践、案例的梳理,提出将保障性住房与低收入家庭的养老需求对接,构建保障性多代住居体系。该体系涵盖空间化、功能化、行为化三个维度的内容,将建筑学层面的规划设计到社会学层面的代际互助、为老服务融合起来。同时,创新性提出保障性多代住居体系的核心模式“代际共融模块”的营建,该模块既包涵以规划设计为导向的居住空间营建要求,也具备以社区互助为导向的服务要求,从城市、社区、住居单元三个层面进行表达,旨在建立集约、高效的保障性“多代房”,创造经济合理、适老可靠的住居空间,不仅解决低收入家庭的住房困难,更能长效地应对老龄化急速进程下低收入家庭的养老需求。 本文分为四大部分,第一部分是提出问题,内容为第一章,交代了研究背景与研究框架;第二部分是分析问题,内容为第二章,对国内外代际理论、多代居研究、社区代际互助的实践进行梳理分析;第三部分是体系构建,包括第3、4章节,涵盖了体系框架、核心模式等的研究;最后部分是框架操作,内容为5、6章,对体系落实到社区与住居空间的操作层面给予指导。
[Abstract]:Due to the contradiction between rapid aging and population aging ahead of modernization, the process of aging and economic development is out of step with the emergence of the phenomenon of "old before wealth" and "old before preparation". The influence of family planning policy, the change of family structure, the weakening of family pension function and the decrease of intergenerational support all directly lead to the pension problem of low-income families, especially the elderly with low income "sandwich layer". In addition, the lack of community spirit in urban communities, negative intergenerational relations, alienated neighborhood relations and the gap in the design of adequate aging of affordable housing lead to a poor home environment for the elderly with low income. This status quo will continue for a long time. Based on the above background and problems as well as domestic and foreign literature, practice, case combing, this paper proposes to link affordable housing with low-income families' old-age needs, and to build a affordable multi-generation housing system. The system covers three dimensions of space, functionalization and behaviorization. It integrates the planning and design of architectural level into intergenerational mutual assistance at sociological level and serves the old. At the same time, innovatively put forward the construction of intergenerational inclusive module, the core model of the supportable multi-generation housing system, which not only includes the requirements of planning and design-oriented residential space construction, but also has the service requirements of community mutual assistance. Expressed from the three levels of city, community and housing unit, the aim is to establish intensive, efficient and affordable "multi-generation housing", create affordable and reliable living space, and not only solve the housing difficulties of low-income families. More effective response to aging rapid process under the needs of low-income families. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is to put forward the question, the content is the first chapter, has explained the research background and the research frame; The second part is the analysis of the problems, the content of the second chapter, the intergenerational theory at home and abroad, multi-generation research, the practice of community intergenerational mutual assistance to sort out and analyze; The third part is the construction of the system, including the 3rd chapter, which covers the research of the system framework and the core model, and the last part is the framework operation, which is composed of 5 chapters, which provides guidance to the implementation of the system to the community and the living space.
[Abstract]:Due to the contradiction between rapid aging and population aging ahead of modernization, the process of aging and economic development is out of step with the emergence of the phenomenon of "old before wealth" and "old before preparation". The influence of family planning policy, the change of family structure, the weakening of family pension function and the decrease of intergenerational support all directly lead to the pension problem of low-income families, especially the elderly with low income "sandwich layer". In addition, the lack of community spirit in urban communities, negative intergenerational relations, alienated neighborhood relations and the gap in the design of adequate aging of affordable housing lead to a poor home environment for the elderly with low income. This status quo will continue for a long time. Based on the above background and problems as well as domestic and foreign literature, practice, case combing, this paper proposes to link affordable housing with low-income families' old-age needs, and to build a affordable multi-generation housing system. The system covers three dimensions of space, functionalization and behaviorization. It integrates the planning and design of architectural level into intergenerational mutual assistance at sociological level and serves the old. At the same time, innovatively put forward the construction of intergenerational inclusive module, the core model of the supportable multi-generation housing system, which not only includes the requirements of planning and design-oriented residential space construction, but also has the service requirements of community mutual assistance. Expressed from the three levels of city, community and housing unit, the aim is to establish intensive, efficient and affordable "multi-generation housing", create affordable and reliable living space, and not only solve the housing difficulties of low-income families. More effective response to aging rapid process under the needs of low-income families. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is to put forward the question, the content is the first chapter, has explained the research background and the research frame; The second part is the analysis of the problems, the content of the second chapter, the intergenerational theory at home and abroad, multi-generation research, the practice of community intergenerational mutual assistance to sort out and analyze; The third part is the construction of the system, including the 3rd chapter, which covers the research of the system framework and the core model, and the last part is the framework operation, which is composed of 5 chapters, which provides guidance to the implementation of the system to the community and the living space.
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