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发布时间:2018-11-17 19:05
[Abstract]:The damage accumulation and resistance attenuation of the structure can be caused by the influence of the external load and the aging of materials during the use of the structure, and even the whole structure will be destroyed, which will lead to the occurrence of the catastrophic accident. Therefore, the study of structural damage identification method not only has great theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance. Wavelet analysis can well represent the local characteristics of signals in time-frequency domain, while the neural network algorithm has the characteristics of nonlinear mapping, self-organization, parallel processing and so on. According to the structural damage will change the dynamic characteristics of the structure, the damage can be identified by the nonlinear relationship between the damage and the structural dynamic parameters, while the strain parameters have a high sensitivity to the minor damage of the local structure. It is an ideal parameter for structural damage diagnosis. Based on wavelet analysis and neural network theory, wavelet analysis is used to determine the damage location of frame structure, and neural network algorithm is used to identify damage degree. The principle of frame structure damage identification based on strain modal parameters is presented, and a wavelet neural network method for structural damage identification is established. This method can identify the damage location of frame and the damage degree of frame structure. Taking the simple frame as the research object, using the wavelet neural network method established in this paper, according to the different ratio of crack length to section height (d / h), the damage is simulated and the finite element model is established. By establishing the damage identification method based on mode and strain mode, the crack location of simple frame with multiple damage is identified, and the effect of damage location identification under these two modes is compared. Then the modal and strain modes of the frame are transformed with continuous wavelet transform to obtain the modulus maximum of the wavelet coefficients under the two modal parameters. The nonlinear relationship between the modulus maximum of wavelet coefficients and the degree of damage is simulated by neural network to identify the damage degree of the structure, and the effect of the damage degree in these two modes is compared. The numerical analysis shows that the wavelet neural network can effectively identify the damage location and damage degree of the structure, and the damage identification method based on strain mode has better accuracy. In this paper, a finite element model of a frame with two or more damage is established, which includes one story and two spans, two stories and one span, and two stories and two spans. The strain mode continuous wavelet transform is carried out under different damage conditions, and the damage location is identified by wavelet coefficient graph. Then a neural network is constructed by using the modulus maximum of the strain mode wavelet coefficient as the output parameter, and the damage degree of the structure is identified by the output result of the neural network, which verifies the validity of the method. The method presented in this paper can be used as a reference for the engineering application of structural damage diagnosis.


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