[Abstract]:Beijing, as a center of political, economic, educational and other fields, is facing many ills brought about by urban expansion, such as excessive concentration of resources, large population growth, rapid rise in land prices and house prices, resulting in further widening of the gap between the rich and the poor and traffic congestion. Environmental degradation; At the same time, the evolution of the city left many signs of housing malformation, such as shantytowns. There are still a large number of crowded and low shantytowns in the central urban areas of Beijing today. There are more than 500 shantytowns in the fourth Ring Road alone. These shantytowns are of important geographical value, unreasonable land use, and extremely poor living conditions. If they can clean up the shantytowns, It can not only beautify the city to improve people's livelihood, but also can greatly improve the utilization rate of urban land, slow down the rate of urban expansion, and reduce the cost of living time of residents. This paper focuses on the light source in the shantytown is such a typical. Light source is located in the second ring southeast of Beijing, the location is superior, but the lot is mostly low bungalow, after various private construction, as if a "village in the city." The transformation in the light source is a practical project, there are many social, economic and political factors in the practical operation process, but this paper is based on the perspective of research. From the angle of architecture and urban design, the optimal solution of the project is discussed. This paper firstly combs the problems that the Beijing shed reform faces and selects the difficult problems related to the architectural level. Then it looks through the relevant literature to find the appropriate transformation model for all kinds of problems. Then combine the theory model with the actual project, guide the realization of the actual project, and improve the theoretical model in the process of deepening the actual project. Finally, through a small part of the whole, this case study attempts to put forward constructive suggestions on the pattern of greenhouse reform in Beijing urban area.
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