[Abstract]:In recent years, global warming and other environmental issues have become the focus of international attention, mainly carbon dioxide. In the construction industry, the growth of public buildings, so public buildings are the most important building energy-saving. It is important to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from buildings as wind-induced water in China's construction industry rises. In this paper, the boundary of carbon emission source of public buildings is defined by life cycle theory (LCA), and the time nodes are divided into four stages: production and building materials, building, maintenance, construction waste recycling, and then according to the material flow. The energy flow is subdivided into five subsystems. The carbon emission factors of the main building materials, fossil energy and electric power can be obtained by consulting the domestic and foreign literature and analyzing the relevant data. Through the calculation and analysis of material flow-energy flow in each stage of carbon emission of subsystems, including the main types and usage of equipment, the type of transportation equipment and energy consumption, the building materials and construction of construction machinery and equipment types. In the stage of operation, the calculation model of carbon emission of public buildings is established. Then, with a public building in Beijing, through research and analysis of the project, to study the subsystems of the office carbon emissions and carbon emissions at all stages of the life cycle. Finally, based on the theory of life cycle and carbon trading, the corresponding countermeasures of carbon emission reduction are put forward for the four stages of life cycle and the derivation of material flow-energy flow from the public building life cycle and the five systems based on the theory of life cycle and carbon trading. The carbon emission calculation model studied in this paper can be used to calculate the carbon emission of public buildings. The policy research method of carbon emission reduction is put forward in order to expand the energy saving building project and build low carbon development. The policy of scientific development also provides the corresponding theoretical basis.
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