[Abstract]:Under the background of burning a lot of fossil fuels, the mass concentration of suspended particulate pollutants in urban air frequently exceeds the standard, and the appearance of haze weather becomes normal. This series of phenomena lead to the deterioration of microclimate in urban environment. Harbin is a typical cold city in high latitudes. The cold and long vegetation is sparse in winter. Heating during heating period will result in a large amount of PM2.5 discharged into the air. This paper attempts to explain the influence factors of this environmental problem from the angle of architectural layout and street network form, bring the dispersion of air pollutants into the special study of urban planning, and put forward the planning countermeasures of microclimate compensation measures in cities. To make the city more environmentally friendly, livable, scientific, organic development. This study focuses on the perspective of promoting the diffusion of PM2.5 in the city, taking the related attributes and geometric parameters of street space in Harbin as the research object, and focusing on how to optimize the urban spatial layout by means of planning. In order to reduce the concentration of fine particulate air pollutants in the urban air during heating period, the problem of reducing the concentration of fine particulate air pollutants in cold regions was studied. Based on the complex microclimate environment conditions in high latitude and severe cold areas, the typical ideal state model is studied and demonstrated under the support of field monitoring of environmental data during heating period, combined with the numerical simulation method of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The calculation, analysis and comparison of geometric elements in street space are carried out. In this paper, the characteristics of PM2.5 dispersion, the influence of urban streets on PM2.5 dispersion, and the effect of microclimate compensation factor on PM2.5 dispersion are studied, and the research object and scope are defined. Secondly, the paper also uses CFD technology to explore the different structure of the city street network, the different geometric parameters of the street space, the different plane form of the street, the relationship between the different intersection form of the street and the urban ventilation. According to the different street variables, the optimization strategy of reducing the mass concentration of PM2.5 in the air is put forward. Finally, in order to verify the scientific and reasonable results of numerical simulation, the data monitoring of pollutant related climatic conditions was carried out in the section of Harbin Central Street. Furthermore, the plan of microclimate compensation measures is worked out according to local conditions, and the street space is divided into suitable pedestrian area, fast passage area and microclimate compensation area. This paper studies the spatial form of urban streets from the perspective of PM2.5 diffusion in order to give constructive guidance to optimize the spatial layout of the new area and to provide a favorable basis for the arrangement of micro-climate compensation measures such as green water bodies. This study is helpful to improve the ecological environment of urban human settlements and contribute to the sustainable development of urban health and environmental protection.
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