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发布时间:2019-04-03 17:21
[Abstract]:Commercial complex is a common form of building combination in people's life in modern cities. It can make use of space three-dimensional and realize the collection of many different functions, such as living, office, shopping, catering, entertainment and so on, in the limited area of land. Enable people to complete all kinds of activities necessary in life in the same place. With the continuous development of social economy, more and more complex projects appear in the center of various business circles. This paper analyzes the importance and technical characteristics of the commercial complex design through a practical engineering design case-the conceptual scheme design of Yantai Dashang City Square, and finds out the difficult problems encountered in the design of the project itself. For example, the contradiction between unorganized land form and high volume ratio, the contradiction between the commercial value of shops and the lack of display area, the excessive number of high-rise buildings lead to the problem of old urban residential lighting. Comparing the current situation of similar projects at home and abroad, drawing on the previous experience, using different design methods to put forward solutions to form design results. The overall description of the planning and design of the entire project in the design report, analysis of the design principles embodied in the design results, including attention to the sustainable development of the design area, emphasizing the important role of walking in the project, Improve the utilization of the limited space to improve the overall value of the project. Through the in-depth analysis of the concept of overall design, combined with the design idea of sustainable development, we hope to embody the concept of green energy-saving in the design, using the green roof and Rain Water collection system, Solar and solar hot water systems and building intelligence systems are designed to create a healthy, modern and dynamic new commercial complex.


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