本文关键词:工资水平对中国经济发展方式转变的影响研究 出处:《南京财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid expansion of the total economic volume, the conditions of factors of production to support economic growth have changed. The increase of labor cost leads to the weakening of comparative advantage. Under the influence of the financial tsunami of 2008, although our country has avoided the sharp downward trend of the economy under the stimulus of fiscal policy and monetary policy. However, the mode of economic development and the problems of economic structure are still the bottleneck restricting China's sustainable development, especially the "shortage of workers". Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the influence of wage level on the change of economic development mode at this stage. This paper analyzes the impact of wage level on China's economic development. The influence of the change of economic development mode. Firstly, the connotation of the transformation of economic development mode is defined, and the index system of the transformation of economic development mode is constructed. The mechanism of wage level on the transformation of economic development mode is summarized as follows: the distribution optimization effect of wage income and the upgrading effect of industrial structure. Then, the paper analyzes the evolution stage of wage level on the transformation of economic development mode and reveals the relationship between the two by fuzzy analysis. Based on the provincial panel data from 1996 to 2010 in China, the moment estimation method of dynamic panel system is established. The result of this paper shows that wage level has a significant positive effect on the transformation of economic development mode in China, which controls the urbanization rate. After the consumption rate and other variables, the results are still robust, this positive effect is causality, that is, the increase of wage level has promoted the transformation of our economic development mode. Generally speaking. In order to overcome the endogenous nature of wage level, the paper selects the proportion of floating population as the tool variable of wage level. The result of endogenous test shows that wage level still plays a significant role in promoting the mode of economic development of our country, independent innovation, infrastructure, urban and rural integration have accelerated the transformation of economic development mode.
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