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发布时间:2018-01-08 04:20

  本文关键词:日照市新型城镇化建设中的问题及对策 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 日照城市 新型城镇化 路径选择

【摘要】:城镇化作为一种经济现象,是人类社会发展到较高级阶段的产物,是世界和地区经济社会发展的必由之路,伴随着工业化和现代化的不断发展,城镇化也因之产生发展和加速。李克强总理指出,“中国未来几十年最大的发展潜力在城镇化”。毫无疑问,在中国下一个十年的历史进程中,城镇化因其蕴含的强大内需潜力而被认为是助推中国经济增长的强劲引擎。中共十八大、十八届三中全会、2013年中央经济工作会议、中央城镇化工作会议先后对加快推进新型城镇化建设作出了重要部署,方向已经明确,顶层设计已然比较完善,但是各地区如何结合自身实际情况加以推进落实,确保城镇化质量不断提高,则是一个需要长期实践探索的过程。 在全国城镇化不断推进的浪潮中,日照市根据自身经济发展水平与禀赋条件,试图走出一条具有日照特色的、能够保持日照经济可持续发展的、可以带动日照经济快速发展的城镇化道路。本文通过对日照市城镇化进程的现状、制约因素、动力因素进行分析探讨,学习借鉴国内外城镇化的经验和教训,尝试找到一条与日照市实际经济情况相匹配的、能够带动日照经济快速、均衡、可持续发展的城镇化道路,并针对日照目前城镇化存在的问题,提出一些相关的政策建议以供参考。 本文认为日照市推进新型城镇化的路径选择重点要突出的就是“新”字,这个“新”字,体现在:它是工业化、信息化、农业现代化相辅相成的城镇化;是人口、经济、环境、资源协调发展,走集约、节能、生态新路子的城镇化;是城乡一体、融合发展的城镇化;是人口聚集、公共服务同步发展的城镇化。其核心是人的城镇化,关键是提高城镇化质量,目标是造福百姓。要着力优化城镇空间布局,构建科学合理的城镇体系,着力推进“四化”联动发展,构建城镇化产业支撑体系,着力增强城镇综合承载能力,提高城镇化发展质量,着力健全政策扶持体系,营造城镇化发展良好环境。
[Abstract]:As an economic phenomenon , urbanization is a product of the development of human society to a higher stage . It is the only way for the development of economic and social development in the world and region . In the tide of urbanization in China , Rizhao City , according to its own economic development level and natural endowment , tries to find a way of urbanization that can drive the rapid development of Rizhao economy based on its own economic development level and natural endowment . This paper tries to find a way of urbanization which matches the actual economic situation of Rizhao city , and to find a way of urbanization which matches the actual economic situation of Rizhao City . This paper holds that the emphasis of the path selection of the new urbanization in Rizhao City is the " new " word . It is the urbanization of industrialization , information and agriculture modernization . It is the urbanization of population , economy , environment and resources . It is the urbanization of population , economy , environment and resources . It is the urbanization of population , economy , environment and resources . It is the urbanization of population , economy , environment and resources . It is the urbanization of population , economy , environment and resources . It is the urbanization of population , economy , environment and resources .



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