发布时间:2018-01-10 19:21
本文关键词:基于工作满意度中介效应的工作自主性与组织公民行为关系研究 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 工作自主性 组织公民行为 工作满意度 中介作用
【摘要】:随着企业间竞争的不断加剧,其外部经营环境也正发生着巨大变化,这一变化趋势要求其必须建立起扁平化的组织结构,这一结构对组织成员的主动性提出前所未有的要求。为提升组织绩效,促进组织的可持续发展,组织成员不仅要出色的完成角色内职责,还要实施角色外的组织公民行为。Organ于1988正式提出组织公民行为这一概念,将其定义为员工自发性的行为,不为组织正式报酬系统所确认,但整体上有益于组织整体的有效运行。组织公民行为对组织绩效的重要性受到广泛关注,国内外专家学者做了大量研究,但工作自主性与组织公民行为的关系的实证研究较少。 在系统回顾组织公民行为及相关理论的基础之上,,通过问卷调查收集数据,探讨了工作特征模型中的工作自主性与组织公民行为之间的关系,并验证工作满意度在二者之间的中介作用,同时也对人口统计学特征变量对各变量的影响作了研究,经研究得出如下主要结论: (1)不同性别对各变量的影响并无显著差异;(2)已婚员工要比未婚员工在各变量上都要显著;(3)30岁以上的员工要比30岁以下的员工有更高的工作自主性和工作满意度,同时也表现出更多的组织公民行为;(4)专科及以上学历的员工要比专科以下的员工在各变量上表现更为显著;(5)政府机构、事业单位、国有企业的员工都要比私营企业的员工在各变量上表现更为显著;(6)职位级别高的员工在各变量上的影响要比职位级别低的员工显著;(7)5年以上工作年限的员工要比5年以下的员工在各变量上表现显著;(8)工作自主性对组织公民行为具有正向影响;(9)工作满意度在工作自主性与组织公民行为之间起中介作用。
[Abstract]:In order to improve organizational performance and promote the sustainable development of the organization , it is necessary to establish the organization structure of organizational citizenship . In order to improve organizational performance and promote the sustainable development of the organization , the organizational citizenship behavior is not only outstanding but also beneficial to the effective operation of the organization . Based on the systematic review of organizational citizenship behavior and related theories , the paper discusses the relationship between job autonomy and organizational citizenship behavior in the working characteristic model , and verifies the mediating effect between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior . ( 1 ) The influence of different genders on the variables is not significantly different ; ( 2 ) The married employees are more prominent than unmarried employees in all variables ; ( 3 ) The employees over 30 years of age have higher work autonomy and job satisfaction than those of the employees under the age of 30 ; ( 5 ) The employees with high position level have higher performance than those of the private enterprise ; ( 8 ) The work autonomy has a positive impact on the behavior of organizational citizenship ; and ( 9 ) Job satisfaction plays an intermediary role between the autonomy of work and the behavior of organizational citizenship .
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