发布时间:2018-01-19 02:10
本文关键词: 体面劳动感知 新生代员工 敬业度 员工满意度 组织认同感 出处:《湖北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着时间的推移,新生代员工正大量涌入职场并逐渐成为劳动力市场的主力军。然而,优越的成长环境导致了他们价值取向尤其是工作价值取向的多元化,在工作中看重的不仅仅是薪酬、环境等基本保健因素,越来越看重职业成长好、组织地位高、社会认可度高和工作氛围优越的体面劳动。体面劳动是国际劳工组织于世纪之交提出的新的理念,自提出以来已经在全球范围内开展了广泛的实践并取得了重要成果,日益受到各界的关注。 本文以新生代员工为研究对象,以构建和谐劳资关系、提高新生代员工的敬业度为目标,从个体感知的视角研究新生代员工的体面劳动感知并探索其对敬业度的影响机理。对新生代员工体面劳动感知的测量结果表明,新生代员工的体面劳动感知是一个六维度构念。即工作回报体面感、工作负荷体面感、职业成长体面感、职业认可体面感、组织地位体面感和工作氛围体面感六个维度。 新生代员工体面劳动感知在人口统计变量方面的差异性表现为:1)性别对员工的体面劳动感知影响不显著;2)不同户籍类型员工的体面劳动感知没有显著性差异;3)工作氛围体面感、工作负荷体面感和组织地位体面感三个维度在学历方面没有显著性差异,本科和高中及以下学历员工的职业认可体面感显著高于拥有硕士及以上学历的员工,大专学历员工的工作回报体面感和职业成长体面感最低;4)不同工作年限员工的工作氛围体面感、工作回报体面感和组织地位体面感没有显著性差异,拥有3-10年工作年限的员工职业认可体面感显著高于拥有10年以上工作年限的员工,拥有10年以上工作年限的员工的职业成长体面感最低,拥有6到10年工作年限的员工的工作负荷体面感显著高于拥有10年以上工作年限的员工。 回归分析结果表明,新生代员工的工作氛围体面感、组织地位体面感、职业认可体面感、工作回报体面感与新生代员工的敬业度呈低度正相关,工作负荷体面感、职业成长体面感与新生代员工的敬业度关系不显著。员工满意度和组织认同感在体面劳动感知对敬业度的影响过程中起部分中介作用,中介效应分别占比55.1%和58.7%,这种中介作用提高了新生代员工工作过程中的敬业度。
[Abstract]:With the passage of time, the new generation of stuff poured into the workplace and gradually become the main force in the labor market. However, the superior growth environment leads to their value orientation especially diversified work value orientation, value at work is not only the basic salary, environmental health factors, more and more attention to occupation growth, organization status high, high social recognition and work atmosphere superior decent work. Decent work is the International Labour Organization is put forward in the turn of the century, the new concept, since it has been put forward on a global scale has been carried out extensive practice and has made important achievements, has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life.
Based on the new generation of employees as the research object, to build a harmonious labor relations, improve the generation of employee engagement as the goal, from the perspective of individual perception of new generation employees decent work perception and to explore the mechanism of influence of engagement. The measurement results of the new generation of employees' perception of decent work shows that the new generation of employees decent work perception is one of the six dimensions of construal. That is a decent sense of work return, work load a decent sense of occupation, grow a decent sense of occupation, recognized a decent sense, a decent sense of organization status and working atmosphere a decent sense of six dimensions.
The new generation of decent work perceived differences in demographic variables in terms of performance: 1) the effect of gender on employee perception of decent work is not significant; 2) there is no significant difference between different types of household workers decent work perception; 3) a decent sense of working atmosphere, work load and decent sense of organization status in three dimensions of sense of decency no significant differences in education, occupation accredited undergraduate and high school degree and below staff's sense of decency is significantly higher than that of the staff has a master's degree or above, college degree employees return to work and a decent sense of occupation growth face the lowest sense; 4) with different working years employees work atmosphere sense of decency, return to work and a decent sense of organization the status of a decent sense of no significant difference, with 3-10 years of work experience staff occupation recognition decent sense was significantly higher than that in more than 10 years working experience of the staff, has 10 years The working life of employees over the working years is the lowest, and the workload of employees who have 6 to 10 years' working experience is significantly higher than that of employees who have 10 years' working experience.
The results of regression analysis show that the new generation of employees working atmosphere decent, decent sense of organization status, occupation recognized sense of decency, return to work and a decent sense of the new generation of employees engagement are positively related to workload, sense of decency, sense of decency and the new generation of occupation growth of employee engagement relationship between employee satisfaction and organizational is not significant. A sense of identity in the perception of decent work plays a part intermediary role in the process of engagement, mediating effects were accounted for 55.1% and 58.7%, which improves the intermediary role of the new generation employees in the process of engagement.
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